Joined the U. S. Navy
in May 1952 and completed book camp at the USNTC, Bainbridge, MD. After
boot camp I was assigned to the USS Wren (DD568). Got married in August
1953 and shortly thereafter the ship left Norfolk, Va, where we sailed
on a 'round the world (Goodwill)cruise. After returning from the cruise
I made 3rd class and was transferred to the New York Group Atlantic Reserve
Fleet, Bayonne, NJ. I made PN2 in November, l955 and in December got discharged
and went home to Washington, DC following the birth of our first child
(a son). After a few months of being "hassled" by the Recruiters I decided
to come back into the Navy for active duty with the Reserves. This was
perhaps the best thing that ever happened to me in terms of a Navy career.
In l956 my first daughter was born at the U.S. Naval Hospital, Bethesda,
I served two tours with the Navy
Reserve, the first at the Washington Navy Yard and then on to the U.S.
Naval Reserve Training Center in Detroit, Michigan where I made first class.
In March 1960 I attended PN C School in San Diego, CA. While there I received
orders to the Naval Communications Station in San Miguel, Philippines.
One my collaeral duties in the PI was that of People-to-People Program
Officer. For those who recall this program, its purpose was to help instill
better relationships with the local people and communities around Navy
Bases in foreign countries......what a gratifying experience. Had the military
kept that program in tact perhaps we would not have many of the problems
we are now having with foreign entities. My second daughter was born at
the Naval Hospital, Cubic Pt, PI. While in the Philippines I was selected
for Chief and then transferred to NavSecGru Kamiseya, Japan. After that
tour I served 5 years with the Navy Personnel Research Laboratory in Washington,
DC where I made Senior Chief. In August 1970 I was transferred to the USS
Cascade (AD16) the first ship of its kind to be homeported in Naples Italy.
In August l971 after one year on the Cascade, I returned to the U.S Navy
Station, Washington, DC for retirement. After leaving the military I worked
for the District of Columbia Government for 5 years and then got a great
job with NASA. In l990 after some 38 years of combined military and government
service, I gave up work for good and retired. What a great career. Thats..it...I
am now enjoying retired life in Hernando, Florida.

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USN Retired
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