"The first Navy Veterans' Organization
created on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese,
US Navy, Retired
your past . . . Reminding your children
Navy Biography Site
Roy M. Gill Jr.
Plank Owner Member
Navy Veterans of the USA
Roy M. Gill Jr.
1155 W. Theo
San Antonio, TX 78225
Entry the NAVY in NOV 1985, whet to bootcamp in San Diego, CA; then
want to Radioman "A" School, Teletype School, with Code school in San Diego.
First duty station was Navcommunications Station Keflavik, ICELAND. I was
in Iceland for two years. Then to USS ENGAGE (MSO-433) out of Mayport,
Fl. as RM3 for about one year. then to Navcom jacksonville FL, ASCOMM tech
or (ASW TECH). For about two year. Then Navcomm unit St. Mawgan, UK as
radio supervisor until the base was close. Then USS DEFENDER MCM-2 out
of Ingleside, Tx, as shipborad radioman supervisor for about four years.
Then to RTC Great Lakes, IL, as a Company Commander for about two years.
Then I got out with a disability, discharged in Oct 1997 Honorably with
a disability
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Founded by Edward C. Reese, NCCS,
USN Retired